Where to Watch You Season 3
You Season 3
You is back for Season 3 on Netflix starting Friday, October 15th, 2021. Now if you have missed out on the first 2 seasons, order your Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Tv Pro or take one of our Video Classes to jailbreak your own device today, to catch up on You.
So why You? This is a new look at how some people are or even come into your life. By following you through your social media post. Never thought about it that way have you?
Once you start watching this show you will start to think about what you post on your social media. Pretty much everything you post about, you will think twice about it.
The Plot
Season 1 was your plain old love story based in NYC. A guy who likes a girl and is too shy to make a move in person. He started to follow her on social media and in real life. He would break into her place and take things as a kept sake or trophy.
Now Joe's life was as plain as they come. He made sure he blended in with everything around him. This is not the guy you noticed walking down the street. Very smart, has brown hair, and works in a book store, thank you NYC basic guy. He used this as his cover, to hind what he truly was. What you ask, watch season 1. I’m trying to keep spoilers out of this blog.
Now fast forward to season 2, Joe is still around with his past hunting him now. But in a new city, the city of Angels, Los Angeles. Pretty much all the pain he goes through living here, I went through when I lived there. This time is different, (Spoiler!) Joe was not looking out for Love but Love was looking out for Joe. No, the women's name is Love, she is a cook and her husband passed away. She is very smart and plays Joe as if they are sitting down playing chess. Love is always 4 moves ahead but Joe, I’m going to stop here. I can’t talk about season 2 without giving it away. It’s amazing and way better than season 1 hands down.
Here we are at season 3 and I have yet to start watching. But if you are looking to start watching today or in a couple of days. You can take our Jailbreak Android or just order a Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Tv Pro today. It’s really up to You on this one, LOL. You like how I did that, up to You. I’ll be tagging everything in this blog so you can get started on ordering which every.