The Best Router for Streaming and Gaming in 2024 to 2025
Hello Everyone and thank you for stopping by our blog, The Best Router for Streaming and Gaming in 2024 to 2025.
We are D3vicx (Devices) and we specialize in customizing and sideloading premium streaming devices so people can watch paid TV entertainment for free worldwide.
So if we specialize in sideloading streaming devices like Nvidia Shields and Apple TVs. What do we know about internet routers?
Well, a ton. It would help if you had a great internet router to stream on these powerful devices in the first place. Along with a lot of other information, people are not aware of when it comes to the internet or even WiFi. You most likely needed to have these issues to even know that they are an issue. Plus, clearly, you are here to learn more and to solve your own problem, right?
Remember a problem is a good thing, it’s a time to learn something you didn’t know before for your benefit. If no one ever told you that before, well now you know. When solving a problem it’s sometimes best to work as a team. With that said, welcome to the team for this problem.
WiFi is more trickier than people know and the stuff they don’t tell you about is the stuff you need to know. Have you ever looked at a router box in the store and it claimed you can get this big range of coverage?
Well, they are not wrong the router could cover the range but only in a perfect scenario. This is the information they leave out on the box.
The internet router I’m going to turn you onto today is the world’s best internet router I have ever seen. The bonuses this thing comes with are just amazing. If you have read this blog and went with a different router and you have problems with that router, I hate to say it but “I told you so”.
If you just bought an internet router, order the one in this blog first and then take that other one back.
No, this is not a paid sponsorship nor is the link I’m going to post in this blog an affiliate link. I’m NOT making any money off of this whatsoever. What I am doing is educating you the buyer on the best router so that when you buy a jailbroken device from us, you will have the greatest Home Internet setup in the world.
How many other sellers do you know are telling you the truth about streaming and the tech that goes into it? Just us here at D3vicx (devices).
Why, because we have been where you are and it’s nice to lend a mate a hand once in a while. I’m so excited and hopefully you are too. Let’s talk about the best router for streaming and gaming below.
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What makes a router good for both streaming and gaming?
Easy setup with amazing features for fast speeds
The megabits per second (Mbps), the router can really push out. In today’s market when it comes to internet routers they all say they can push out up to 2.3GB or higher of speed for the internet but can they really?
What internet provider company even offers more than 1GB of speed in the USA?
I ask because this one router seems to be able to get up to 1GB of speed.
Which means you can stream and game without issues with your internet. On top of that, you can access WiFi 6 if you have it. I know some routers are offering WiFi 7 but we are not even there yet on devices. Some streaming devices like the Apple TV 4K 2022 just got WiFi 6. Where the KING of all streaming devices, the Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2019 is still on WiFi 5.
When you look at it, we really are stuck on WiFi 5GHz and WiFi 2.4GHz.
First, what is this amazing router you are talking about? And next, why are we all stuck on WiFi 5GHz and WiFi 2.4GHz?
We are stuck on WiFi 5GHz and WiFi 2.4GHz because the signals of WiFi don’t travel far. Well, WiFi 2.4GHz does but not the rest of them. WiFi 5 can barely travel through walls and WiFi 6 can’t even leave a room. It makes me think how bad in distance is WiFi 6E and WiFi 7 are if they are in the room. I haven’t tested this myself so I can’t say but this should help me remember if I get a chance too test this out.
Besides that, this is the world’s best router for streaming and gaming, the GL.iNet Flint 2.
This is a simple Internet Router that does what it says it’s going to do. None of that misleading stuff like saying it can travel a crazy distance without telling you the whole story.
Finally, a router that just does what it’s meant to do and that is to get you onto the internet.
The Flint 2 focuses on what you need now and not on futuristic out comes. Some of the features with the router are pretty simple, WiFi 6, 1148Mbps (2.4GHz), 4804Mbps (5GHz), with 2x 2.5Gbps Ports, Multi-WAN, Dual-Ethernet WAN, OpenWrt, and VPN. I know, you are like how is this all simple and different from the other internet routers on the market?
Well, I can explain to you what the stuff is that I just listed. I’m going to add the video instead. In the video, the crew of ShortCircuit goes into grave details and shows you how this stuff works.
I promise by the end of their video and once they tell you a bonus secret you are going to be jumping to get this best internet router. Bonus: travel anywhere in the world and access your home WiFi. No more getting SIM cards or new numbers.
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How do I know if a router will cover my whole house?
The best mesh networking system, Plume Pods
I want to say this so it’s very clear, no internet router is going to cover your whole house if your place is bigger than a studio.
Here is why, WiFi above 2.4GHz doesn’t travel far nor does it travel through walls. You would have to stay on WiFi 2.4GHz for it to cover the whole house and travel through walls.
If you were to add on a mesh network system this would help equally spread WiFi 5, and 6, throughout the home. Mesh networking systems are like having little satellite dishes around the home to extend the WiFi. On top of this, you want the best mesh networking system and that’s going to be Plume Pods.
These are little pods you just plug into the wall, no need for any stand to place the system on, unlike other so-called mesh network systems. Plume Pods give you the option of WiFi 6 and WiFi 6E, so you can get a faster connection to the internet.
With the Plume Pods and the Flint 2, your home internet setup is unstoppable.
WiFi throughout the home with the help of Plume Pods
With the Plume Pods, you are not just extending the WiFi in your home, you are also gaining complete control over it. Plume has an app called HomePass, which you can use with the pods.
Check out Plume HomePass to learn more about the app itself. Sorry, they took down an awesome video they used to have on their website.
My favorite feature is I have a special password for every person who visits my home. No one got my real password, just a special one I made up for them. This is so no one can hack my router, unlike the rented routers you are given.
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Do I really need to upgrade my router if my internet works fine?
Take totally control of your homes internet
Yes, you want to own your cable modem and internet router not rent them from your internet provider. As I was saying above, with the rented cable modem and internet routers hackers can easy get your password and connect to your home internet with you even noticing at times.
Not all internet providers have cable modems, like Verizon Fios. So just check to see if you have internet with a cable provider who does have the cable modem.
There is nothing special about the router you are renting from your internet provider. It’s the cheapest thing on the market and it has no way for you to proctect your home WiFi. At one time, you could go online and add in cloudflare to the DNS on the router but not anymore.
Your internet provider doesn’t care that you are looking to protect yourself from hackers. They think you are looking to do something like stream on third-party APKs. You can already do that without even touching your internet router DNS. The streaming device itself comes with an DNS that can be change, hidding your streaming device from them seeing what it is that you are already doing.
Hardware done right
This is why with our jailbroken devices you don’t need your VPN. We have an DNS/VPN APK that comes preloaded onto all these device you can use for free.
But your other devices don’t. So you need to gain control over your home’s internet setup today. Plus, why are you wasting the $7 to $10 a month renting, YES, that is what that $10 WiFi charge is on your bill. You are renting there shitty equitment. Go get the Flint 2 for less than $189.00 today.
No this is not a sponsorship or anything, we make NO money on this whatsoever. We are deceted to help you stream for free and safely.
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Which jailbroken device would work best with this router?
Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Pro running Android 9
Both the Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Pro and the Jailbroken Apple TV 4K. The Jailbroken Apple TV 4K has the most to gain since it offers WiFi 6.
Remember when the Apple TV 4K 128GB came out, it was just in 2022 and that was so they could add on more storage and WiFi 6 to the device to help out people looking to game on the device.
The Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2019 came out just three months before WiFi 6 was announced, so they just missed the mark but not really. The Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2019 is working with something better than WiFi 6 and that is the NVIDIA® Tegra® X1+ processor.
With the Nvidia Shield Pro, it’s more about those GPUs. But having the right internet router does help give you even more than his great jailbroken device has to offer. Like with our Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Pro MAX which comes preloaded with Hyperspin.
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Note: This works on all devices except iOS.
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If you have more questions and want to ask us directly, jump on our Discord community. Devin is around to take questions. If you have a device from us already, get on Discord so we can put you in the right exclusive support group.
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In Conclusion
The best router for streaming and gaming
If you want to stream without any buffering you may want to start off with the right Home Theater Setup and the Flint 2 router. Again, it’s super important to protect your Home’s WiFi and all your information.
A bonus to let you know, if you get the travel router you can access your home internet anywhere in the world and stay even more stay. No need to buy WiFi at the Airport or even get yourself a new SIM card when you are out of the country. Stay connected to everything you already know that works with a travel router from GL.iNet the Slate AX.
How many other internet router sellers do you know to offer a travel router? Think about it…..nothing, just GL.iNet. Go check them out and again, not a Sponsorship so you don’t need to drop our name at all.
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