Future-Ready: Home Internet and Theater Setup from Modem to Device in 2024 going into 2025

                  Home Internet Setup with the Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Pro

Hello Everyone and thank you for stopping by our blog, Future-Ready: Home Internet and Theater setup from modem to streaming devices in 2024. We are D3vicx (Devices) and we specialize in customizing and sideloading premium streaming device so people can watch TV entertainment for free worldwide.

This blog is going to be kind of a step-by-step setup. This is all the information you need before deciding on a cable modem, internet router, mesh system, and the best jailbroken device for your home internet setup.


Things are going to vary based on the money you want to invest in your home internet system. In the end, we are going to help you save a ton of money on these items we have listed in the blog, so keep an eye out for that information.

Below is something the common person would never know about their home internet system. You think, oh I got this from the company, you think you set it up right and you go about your life. From time to time you may think about it but mostly you are thinking to yourself, you pay for 1GB of internet speed everything should work right?

Wrong, you are overlooking your equipment completely. I don’t blame you, unless you are in the business of tech work like this why would you think the problem is your home internet setup?

So buckle your seat belt and let’s go learn about home internet setup together.

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Did you know your Home Internet Setup can cause these common issues?

                          Bad equipment can cause a lot of problems

Did you know a ton of your buffering issues come from not having a good home internet setup? It’s most likely that you are not aware of a ton of stuff that is a factor when it comes to dealing with your home internet such as the modem and router.

We got you below.

It’s time someone tells you the truth that your home internet setup is the start of the problem. And I’m talking about it all, from the rented modem and router you got from the company to you trying to reach across your home and stream something for free in 4K on a Nvidia Shield Pro you tried to put together yourself.

My advice, stay off of Reddit. They are not the professionals in this line of work. They are people with day jobs who try things and just say fuck it, they will take what they can get.

If you're going to let what you do be based upon what you hear & read, you better make certain the people who are giving you the advice are getting PHENOMENAL RESULTS! 

We can tell you that right now. We’re getting PHENOMENAL RESULTS with what we do! So let us walk you through this and lay it all out there.

Below is everything you are going to need for your home internet system setup, starting with the modem, then the router, next the mesh system, and lastly the best-jailbroken device that fits your lifestyle.

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What is a Cable Modem and which is the best?


                                         Netgear Nighthawk CM2000

In short, the Modem is the box that connects your home to the internet itself from your internet provider.

In more depth, it’s called a Cable Modem and it’s the hardware device that communicates with your internet provider such as Cox, Spectrum, Optimum, and other cable internet providers over landline connections. Without the Cable Modem, you will not have internet in the home. So this is the most important box on the list by far.

When looking to buy a Cable Modem you want to look for the latest one with DOCSIS 3.1. Yep, that was my face too when I heard about Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS).

Now, there are also Cable Modem Routers which is a combo of the two boxes in one. We don't ever recommend these so skip over them completely. It’s not possible for one machine to do the work of two completely different jobs for so long and have it work right.

In time, this combo box will start to break down and slow down, so this is why we don't recommend it. It’s like trying to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with one hand and washing your hair with the other hand at the same time.

So which is the best Cable Modem? So for cable companies such as Spectrum, I recommend the NETGEAR Nighthawk CM2000. This is good for speeds up to 2.5GBps.

Does the Modem you get really matter when you pair it up with the right internet router and mesh system?

Yes, so why is this? Well, you share the internet with your neighbors and during peak hours your internet will start to slow down. By having a high-quality Cable Modem it ensures your speeds stay firm at a high pace.

When looking up Cable Modems, please be aware that Verizon Fios does not use a Cable Modem, they only use a router. Let’s go learn about routers below.

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What is an Internet Router?


                                  Cable Modem and Internet Routers

In short, the Router is the box that connects a ton of your devices you want to the internet.

In more depth, it’s called the Internet Router which will create your own local network. With each device you want to connect is assigned its own local IP address. So then your Internet Router makes sure web traffic gets to the right device within your home.

These days, most of us tend to think of the Internet Router as wireless, but you still have some that connect with a cable. We only think of Internet Routers as wireless because, in today’s world, they now come with a Router, Switch, and wireless access point all in one.

OK, so here is some truth about Internet routers you as a normal person are not aware of. And if you are not a techie person, you wouldn't know this. But the square feet on the internet router are only meant for open spaces on certain frequencies.

Wait what? Yes, it’s only meant for open spaces on certain frequencies. Let me explain how I see it.

See WiFi doesn't travel through walls all that well and the higher you go up to like WiFi 6, 6E, and 7, it doesn't go through walls at all. WiFi 5Ghz breaks up while trying to get through the wall. Forcing these frequencies to only be used in an open space.

When you buy an Internet Router, you are thinking reasonably when you see the range of square feet that item says it covers. It only covers that with a WiFi range with the WiFi 2.4ghz that can travel far and through walls. I’ll give you a second to let that sink in your mind.

Yes, you are buying newer Internet Routers with higher frequencies like WiFi 6, 6E, and 7, not knowing the whole story of how short-range those frequencies really are.

So why don't they tell you this straight out? Well, I'm not sure why. I guess if they are too transparent they feel the item wouldn't sell.

On top of this, there is more you don’t know about the drawbacks of Internet Routers. Like when you see it says up to 40 devices. That is a lie. The more devices hooked up to your internet router the more it will start to slow down the internet. So all those friends and family that can hook up to your internet router are actually slowing down your home internet. This goes for a guess that comes over just once and uses your home WiFi too.

You never think to go into the settings of your internet router and delete these devices off of them to get that speed back.

Crazy right?

So how do you fix this problem? Well, you can go into the settings on the Internet Router and take off devices that are not being used. These will free up that space, you are most likely to have issues like this on cheaper-end Internet Routers. Today I’m going to give a list of three of the best Internet Routers on the market.

But first, let’s talk about some issues that are caused by your internet router.

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Problems with your Router, here are some things that may help fix the issues.


                                 Things you may not know about WiFi

How to help fix the problems with the router. You are in the middle of streaming and everything just freezes on you. If you are on your computer you get the notice that your internet is out. This could be the router for sure. Go over to your router and check the lights. If you see that the internet light is red, unplug the router and wait about 10 seconds, and plug it back in.

So what could this be, well let us help you break this down. We think of a router as the box that just gives us WiFi but unfortunately, this little box does a ton we all overlook. I would only expect you to know this if you are into tech or if you run into this issue yourself.

A router is built like a computer with its own CPU, memory, main board, IO, and even operating system. This is how the router manages data traffic deciding what needs to be sent where in your home. These components of a router can get overloaded like any other device.

Pushing so much data through your router for so many different devices can also slow it down and at times to a screeching halt.

From there most people are not aware that those IP addresses the router gives to our devices are for a certain amount of time. From there the ISP does give the device a new IP address. But if the router is busy and the device doesn't switch over to the new IP address and continues to try and use the old one this will break your connection to WiFi.

Remember when you are on a higher frequency the signal will become weaker depending on how far you are from the router and what is in the way blocking the frequency from moving throughout your home.

For people who live in NYC in pre-war buildings, it’s due to the walls being made out of concrete and steel. For other homes, it may be your kitchen appliances.

  • Here is an important question, where is your router located in your home?

  • Did you put it in a corner with no breathing room?

  • Do you dust the router?

You have to put your router somewhere it can breathe and not overheat. Keep it clean to stop dust particles from blocking the ventilation holes on the router. Lastly, see if your router Manufacturer has a firmware update. This could be another issue due to the router running on old firmware.

Now, if nothing of these work I recommend getting yourself a Mesh System. Let’s talk more about the best Mesh System a little later. Below we are going to talk about the three best internet routers on the market and what you may need them for.

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So which is the best Internet Router?


                                          New King on the block!

It’s going to depend on what you are using it for. Are you just home-streaming Live TV, Sports, Movies, and music? Or are you looking to do some gaming and you would like your internet not to drag? See this makes a big difference in which Internet Router to buy.

The top two router companies are Netgear and Asus in these markets. If you buy something outside of these two brands and they don’t work, well, we told you so. I feel like I may eat those words later but we will see.

I feel Asus focus is on the most powerful gaming system setup possible. Enter the Asus GT-AX6000 ROG Rapture WiFi 6 AX Gaming Router. Funny fact, once you put it together and turn it upside down it looks like a crab. Another cool thing about Asus routers is if you have older ones you can put them in mesh mode turning them into their own mesh system without going out to buy a separate mesh system. So no wasting the Asus internet routers.

I may end up getting an Asus over the one I thought I had my eye on, which is the Netgear Nighthawk, RS700S WiFi 7 Router.

So why this one? Well, I keep seeing people have a ton of problems trying to connect to WiFi 6E for some odd reason. I’m not sure of the reason but what I do know is that WiFi 7 has been pushed out a lot faster to fix this issue.

I knew I may have to eat my words later in this blog. So, I just came across an Internet Router outside of Asus and Netgear called GL.iNet Flint 2. I like this one a lot, none of all that fancy language to confuse people on the box about the range the router can get you. This router seems to be straight to the point of what it comes with and the TWO 2.5GbE ports.

So this router has Multi-WAN, with Ethernet 1, Repeater, Tethering, and Ethernet 2. You can even lock the BSSID. The VPN is off the chain with this router and then there is the WireGuard Server. The best part is this router is under $200 compared to the other ones on this list. I see you can link to this router if you are not at home, maybe I’m reading that wrong. Now, I want to get my hands on this router but if I upgrade my home internet to 1GB will it be worth using this router?

I ask questions to get to my answers.

From all the information I just read and understood, I think I’m going to go with and recommend the GL.iNet Flint 2 along with the travel router they offer so you can access your internet when you are on the go. The things this router can do are unreal and it has WireGuard which speeds up your VPN links when using it. I think this is the future for routers in your Home Internet Setup journey. You can’t beat a traveling router with access to your home internet no matter how far you are away.

I’m just thinking about how would this work with a mesh system. Let’s learn about that more below.

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What is a Mesh System and which is the best?


                           You can only get these on the Plume website

A mesh system acts as little satellite dishes around the home equally distributing WiFi. The mesh system controls which WiFi frequency goes to which devices based on which frequency the device was designed to work well with.

So this means, no more of you thinking every device you own should be on WiFi 5. If the device was designed to run on WiFi 2.4ghz then the mesh system will place it on that frequency for you. Now, I’m not talking about all mesh systems, I'm only talking about Plume Pods. Even though I want to know if GL.iNet has a mesh system.

Why only Plume Pods?

The description above of them acting as little satellite dishes around the home equally distributing WiFi, is on the Plume Pods website. This was the reason I went with Plume Pods over everyone else. The bonus was easy plug-ins, with no table to put them on top of, and the app if you choose to use it.

With the app, you can create special passwords for people to sign onto your internet and when they leave you can easily kick their devices off. This came in handy dealing with Airbnb guess trying to book for 2 people and they came with so many more. I could easily count the people based on them signing into the special WiFi we had for guests through the Plume app.

This would work well for all guest, you can give them all their own special password and when they leave you can delete them pushing them off of your home internet. And no, we no longer host for Airbnb, never again.

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Should you rent or buy your Modem and Router?


                     Own vs. Rent your cable modem and internet router

Having the best Home Internet setup is the start of it all. This is going to determine if you have a smooth run for the next 3 to 5 years dealing with all your devices.

Or if you are going to end up with a terrible headache blaming the devices when it all starts with your home internet setup, the cable modem, and the internet router.

There is more to the story and that is whether you should buy your own cable modem and internet router or rent it from your internet provider. I'm not going to go too deep into that one here because I already wrote about it. But I will give you three reasons to own your own cable modem and internet router.

  • First, you will be saving money. Can you imagine paying $7 a month to your internet provider for lackluster equipment for almost the rest of your life? Yea, no one wants to do that.

  • Second, way better WiFi experience. Our WiFi sucks, it’s always in and out for no good reason the worst part is when streaming a big fight, my device is most likely to freeze up during the big moments when everyone starts to rush a server. With weak equipment, I'm left out of the live-action.

  • Third, you get more advanced features with your own cable modem and internet router. Like if you choose to add on your VPN or change the DNS on the internet router. You can no longer do these things with rented Spectrum cable modems and internet routers.

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What is the best jailbroken streaming device in 2024 and heading into 2025?

                                      The Jailbroken Apple TV 4K

This is going to depend on your lifestyle. But hands down it’s the Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Pro by far. I only recommend the Jailbroken Apple TV 4K for people who are deep in APPLE’s ecosystem with no way out. There are going to be a ton of trade-offs when getting the Apple TV 4K 128GB over the Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2019.

Like the Jailbroken Apple TV 4K, has a limited amount of IPAs you can load onto the device. With our Elite System for tvOS, we load a total of 40 IPAs onto the device giving you access to paid TV entertainment for 100% free. Yes, this includes premium music, here is the trade-off, everything Live has to be done in Kodi. This is why we load three completely different Kodi’s and builds onto the Apple TV 4K. If one build goes down, you have two more as a backup.

You have Popcorn Time for all Movies, TV Series, Anime, and downloads. Then there is ad-free YouTube which is a pain in the butt to deal with sometimes due to how fast links can change. And I’m talking about within minutes.

This is where the Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Pro is better. Not only can you load as many Kodi Builds as you want, but you also have the APKs. Our Elite System for the Nvidia comes with 55 APKs, giving you access to everything in the world for free. Your imagination can run wild with the Nvidia Shield Pro but please know, our Nvidia’s run Android 9 version 8.2.1.

On the Nvidia Shield Pro the software system can be the death of the device. Like Android 11, so many APKs are blocked on Android 11, how? I have no clue. To get your Nvidia downgraded you have to flash your system, it’s really easy. We offer free videos on how to do this in our freebies section at the top of the page.

So why not a budget-friendly device, like the ONN Pro? Well, this is where buffering issues can start, it would most likely be the device itself. The device parts on a budget-friendly box are not premium so you are getting undesirable results by following everyone else on the cheap device ban wagon.


                                     The Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Pro

We teach you here at D3vicx what premium devices are the best to invest your money in. This way it saves you your time and headache for the next 3 to 5 years. Once these amazing cheap streaming devices start to wear down the issues come and no you can’t stop the issues. The problem is the cheap parts in the device to keep costs low.

I call this a money grab.

Why? You buy it and love it, then 6 months to 1 year you run into so many problems like buffering, and no matter what it is that you do, it won’t go away. From there the company then tells you about the newest device they are offering that is 22% more faster. You run out to buy the new one and the problems start all over again.

My question is, what kind of processor are they using? Do they tell you? Is it even a highlighted feature?

Like if you were to buy an APPLE® it’s the A15 Bionic chip and with NVIDIA® it’s the Tegra® X1+ processor. These luxury companies highlight the processor as a feature. Why? Because the processor makes the device luxurious compared to the budget-friendly ones that don’t. It’s like getting a Rolex watch compared to a smartwatch. The Rolex is clearly valued due to its high-quality parts.

Which TV is best when setting up a Home Theater?


                   SONY BRAVIA XR 42” Class A90K 4K HDR OLED TV

Get yourself a Sony OLED, which is hands down the best television on the market. When buying this TV you are welcome to go with any size you like. I highly recommend looking at the open-box options in your area so you can make sure nothing is wrong with the TV.

By buying an open-box OLED you can save up to 35% on the original price of the TV. Also, look at last year’s model if you want it brand new, this saves you a ton on the price as well.

NEVER BUY refurbish!

Yes, I know Sony OLED TVs now come with Bravia, an Android TV software. Don’t use this feature, these TVs don’t have powerful processes like a streaming device. You are buying the TV for its amazing low lights, blacks, and the ability to use Dolby Vision. Not for its software system of Android TV.

Nothing is more powerful than the Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2019 when streaming paid TV entertainment for free.

Remember, you are building a Home Theater and the Sony OLED will give you that.

I almost forgot the speakers. I’m not a pro at surround sounds but I know it’s best to stay with a Sony here and look for something that has Dolby Atmos and NFC. This will give you the Movie Theater sound within your home.

Let us not forget about the best ethernet cables for this Home Internet Setup.

Yes, the cables are just as important as the rest of the setup. Suppose you want flat ethernet cables that are CAT 6. Pearstone from B&H has high reviews on how well these work when hooking up your home internet.

Then next you want an amazing HDMI cable. I have noticed a big difference between some no-name cables on Amazon and Kramer C-HM/HM/PICO/BK-2 Ultra-Slim Flexible High-Speed HDMI Cable with Ethernet. This HDMI cable supports Dolby Vision.

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Our tip on how to buy high-quality items on a budget.

Do not go into debt looking to buy all of this at once. We are in August and the Black Friday Sale will be in 3 months.

Get the price of the devices you have your eye on and start to save for them now. By the time Black Friday rolls around you can shop on Amazon, Best Buy, Microcenter, or B&H for the best discount on these devices.

As you can see in the photo, the Sony Oled is 42” brand new at $1,299 and the open box is $658.99, saving you $641. This is because of two reasons, one this model is from 2022 and second someone opened it and then returned it. So I would go to the store of Best Buy where this is located to test out the open box Television before I was to buy it.

I get the Television I really want which is an Oled and I pretty much would get 46% off the original price.

I wouldn't recommend refurbishing nor open-box on cable modems and internet routers.

Never buy anything refurbished but it is ok to buy some things open-boxed like a Television or surround sound. Not headphones due to if the person was clean. Not everyone cleans their ears.

But hey you got a lot in this one blog. I hope it’s very helpful and that you take your time to build something amazing like this Home Internet Setup.

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Join our Discord Community


                                               Our Discord Community

If you have more questions and want to ask us directly, jump on our Discord community. If you have a device from us already, get on Discord so we can put you in the exclusive support group.

In the exclusive support group, you will be on top of it all. If anything goes down, we let you know. If anything needs to be replaced, we let you know what and how to get it.

It’s a great place to connect with like-minded streamers and ask all the questions you like. Most people who join want to talk with the owners of our jailbroken devices. You are welcome to do so.

The most asked question is, do you need debrid? No, our device has the option to sign into your debrid if you have one but it’s not needed at all to access all the free paid TV entertainment on our jailbroken devices. We don’t have debrid and we still don’t know what it is ourselves because it’s not needed.

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Sign up for our twice-a-week newsletter to learn more about the best streaming devices on the planet and what you can watch for Free on them.

The Saturday, WEEKEND ACTION comes out at 9:46 am. And the once-a-month Slap Face Wednesday, to see how the month will be planned out in nonstop action.

As a bonus, put us to the test and get yourself Free Spotify Premium on us. This is real Free Spotify Premium, it lasts as long as you keep the device you download it onto.

This works on all devices except iOS. For iOS devices, we are going to help you get Free YouTube Premium. This will give you access to Free YouTube Music to enjoy.

There is no way to give an iOS device access to Free Spotify Premium without the device being jailbroken.

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In Conclusion, My complete Home Internet Setup would look like this, with a Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Pro MAX


           A great home internet and theater setup for 2024 going into 2025

If we stick with Spectrum, we are going to need a cable modem and we are going to go with the NETGEAR Nighthawk CM2000 which gives you up to 2.5Gbps, with DOCSIS 3.1. This is the best cable modem I’ve seen on the market in 2024.

When it comes to the internet router hands down I’m going with GL.iNe Flint 2 (GL-MT6000) and their travel router Slate AX.

To be able to access my home internet anywhere in the world, I’m completely sold. I'm pretty much sold myself on this internet router as I was writing about it in this blog. I love simple things that just do what they say they are going to do and the speeds are up to 1GB and you do get that speed.

Next is the mesh system, I’m a big fan of Plume Pods which I already own. But I’m just curious if they will work with the GL.iNe lineup. Or would I switch over to see if GL.iNe has their own mesh system I can add on? Either way, I always use a system mesh system, like Plume Pods, you just plug them into the wall and the app does all the work for you.

On to the Sony OLED with Sony surround sound that supports Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos. We are building a Home Theater here so we have to go with the theater products. Sony is an amazing company and their Home Theater tech is just top-tier. I see this stuff lasting for 5 to 10 years depending on how well you take care of it.

There you go, all the products I’m looking to put together in D3vicx New Office. I know everyone here is going to love this on late nights so we can watch all the PPVs and Live Sports events we want on our office Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Pro MAX.

If you are looking for an amazing headache-free jailbroken device check out our Jailbroken Nvidia Shield Pro. Everything is done for you, all you do is plug in and play. Scan the QR sticker on the back of the device to get to the video guide for a full walkthrough of everything you can get on the device.

🤝 At the End of this Month, the Price for Nvidia is going up to $725. 🥳 So if you want to take Advantage of them while they are still $650 You Better Act NOW!

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