Where to Watch The Eyes of Tammy Faye
Tammy Faye Barrker & Jim Barrker in the Movie
I had no clue who Tammy Faye is at all. I had heard the name before when I was younger but that was about it. So I came across this movie trailer and watched it. Then I knew I wanted to know who Tammy Faye was and about her life. I love movies based on a person’s real life. It’s nice to see we all fuck up from time to time. But Tammy Faye's husband Jim Barrker fucked up big time.
This movie looks crazy in so many ways, as if Tammy was blind to what was really going on. Maybe she was, who really knows. I do see her saying she loves people and she wants to help everyone in their time of need. Which is a very sweet thing to focus on, unlike her husband, looking to please himself. Now, let us jump right into it. I did end up watching the movie so there are spoilers in this blog. I loved this movie and at the end, I just wanted more.
Tammy Faye is the name she is best known as. She was a woman who wanted to spread the word of God across America and she seemed to be cool with everyone. She wanted people to be loved for who they are, which is just amazing. Tammy Faye is outspoken about how she sees things. She became a big icon in the LGBTQ+ community because she stood up for gays when they had AIDS. Tammy Faye wanted to make sure everyone was loved no matter what. Now, was this an act? I don’t believe so, she just seemed so sweet towards people. I would say she was the closer in business because of her kindness.
Studies shows women are better leaders and business owners. And I think it’s because we care a lot more. But Tammy Faye stands out as a true leader, looking to heal the nation. Yes, I’m drinking Tammy Faye’s Kool-aid. When her husband was caught and everything came out, everyone thought it would be great to joke her about her makeup. Well, the crazy part is that she laughed also, saying makeup companies should have hired her then. It’s great to see that she took it as a joke and didn’t let it bring her down. Tammy Faye really did look on the bright side of things even when it was all going wrong. Tammy Faye is a strong woman and should be respected and loved for who she is. I’m down with anyone looking to spread love across the world.
So yes, I think everyone should take the time and Watch The Eyes of Tammy Faye. How to watch it is the question. Well, take one of our Online Courses to unlock your device and load our Elite System onto it. From there you can watch The Eyes of Tammy Faye, and you can even download it if you love it. The content is endless with our Elite System, with no more monthly fees or cable bills. You can stream everything 100% Free from here on out.