Where to Watch Wrath of Man?

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For the people who are not ready to go back to the movie theaters in the middle of a pandemic, where do you watch Wrath of Man? You watch it at home with freshly made popcorn from your Whirley Pop on a device from D3vicx.

Now, which device is best for Action movies like Wrath of Man? You have a pick between Nvidia Shield TVs, Google TV, or the Fire Cube. Why the Fire Cube over the Fire Sticks, well the sticks don’t really have that power that can last through the years, and you have to clean the cache more as well. The Cube was made with more Ram & GB space, so why think oh I have to clear my cache first.

The Google TV is the game-changer, I think it has surely passed the Fire Sticks already from start to finish. It’s new, it’s fresh and connected to the Google Play Store. Hands down this is the Fire Stick killer!

If you want to stream Wrath of Man and other action movies, the Number 1 Best Jailbroken Device is the Nvidia Shield TV Pro, next would be the non-Pro model. If they make a new lineup of the Nvidia Shields that will be the only device to beat out these.


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